Our Program
SEARCH Learning Group provides a comprehensive, behavior-analytic program where our enrolled families and clinical team collaborate to produce the best possible outcome for each child. Services take place in SEARCH’s center and guidance is provided for each learner’s family so they can continue to excel beyond the classroom.
Our instructional model, which utilizes a 1:1 ratio, employs the science of applied behavior analysis (ABA) with consistent oversight by Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) at the center.
We bridge the gap between 1:1 individualized programming at the center and guidance for families to implement at home, allowing for meaningful and lasting changes. A team approach drives all programming, and each learner’s family is guided through every step of the process.
Our ultimate goal is to have our learners receive the best possible intervention and achieve optimal results. SEARCH aims to have learners reach their maximum potential and graduate into the educational placement that best suits their needs as they grow.
Please note that SEARCH Learning Group is an out-of-network provider. If you have any questions about medical coverage, we encourage you to reach out. We are here to help!
SEARCH’s ABA Program Components Include:
30 hours per week of comprehensive behavior-analytic intervention
24 hours per week of 1:1 direct instruction
6 hours per week of direct BCBA supervision (conducted in conjunction with 1:1 direct instruction)
1 hour per week of indirect BCBA program coordination
Weekly parent/caregiver training sessions
Triannual clinic meetings with parents/caregivers and triannual progress reports
Ongoing guidance related to district involvement and funding options
Administrative support for all insurance-related processes
Skill assessment
Goal selection and creation of a yearly goals and objectives document
Skill acquisition programming
Analyses and programming designed to reduce behaviors that may interfere with learning
Data collection and analysis
Center-based Program
Our comprehensive educational program is based on the science of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and is completely data-driven. All learners attend SEARCH's center full-time (30 hours per week) over a 12-month period, which includes an Extended School Year (ESY).
Our curriculum addresses all areas of skill development, including social skills, communication skills, motor skills, pre-academic, and academic skills. Our program includes, but is not limited to:
Curricula that align with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS), a derivative of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).
Integrating SEARCH's curriculum system with other curricula to address reading, language arts, and mathematical education effectively.
Decreasing or managing behaviors that may interfere with a child’s availability to learn.
Using empirical methods, which allows us to set learners up for long-term success as their educational program progresses.
Ongoing data collection and analysis, to guide all decision-making and ensure each learner is actively developing new skills.
Our center creates opportunities for ongoing collaboration between team members and allows us to ensure consistency in program delivery. All SEARCH clinicians receive hands-on training and ongoing staff supervision by Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs), who are always on-site and oversee all programs.
SEARCH’s goal is to help our learners reach their maximum potential. We believe this goal goes beyond the classroom, which is why our team is here to guide families through every step of the process.
SEARCH designs specific programming to facilitate generalization of skills into the home setting. Parents and caregivers receive training in-person at our center and via a remote platform, where they are taught behavior-analytic techniques, as well as how to implement these tools in daily life. SEARCH is committed to providing parents and caregivers with the skills necessary to help them support their children as their educational needs change. SEARCH equips families with the tools they need by collaborating on an ongoing basis via hands-on training, progress and planning meetings, and consultations.
Outside of training, our team of professionals guides families through the process, acting as a resource and making themselves available for any questions that arise. We also offer our expertise and consultation to families not currently enrolled at SEARCH, as we take pride in being an advocate for the community. Contact SEARCH with any questions you may have!
Family Involvement
SEARCH values family involvement and incorporates parents and caregivers into various areas of their child’s program as they receive direct training from their child’s team and are actively involved in the process. We value efficient and frequent communication and believe family involvement is vital to their child's success.

"I refer newly diagnosed patients to SEARCH because I am continually impressed with the quality of their services. They have repeatedly demonstrated the ability to tailor their instruction to address the diverse needs of my patients. SEARCH is a quality organization that can give children with autism and their families the support they need."
- Developmental Pediatrician, Northern NJ